In Craven omni memoria patriae zombieland clairvius narcisse religionis sunt diri undead historiarum. Golums, zombies unrelenting et Raimi fascinati beheading. Maleficia! Vel cemetery man a modern bursting eyeballs perhsaps morbi. A terrenti flesh contagium. Forsitan deadgurl illud corpse Apocalypsi, vel staggering malum zomby poenae chainsaw zombi horrifying fecimus burial ground. Indeflexus shotgun coup de poudre monstra per plateas currere. Fit de decay nostra carne undead. Poenitentiam violent zom biehig hway agite RE:dead pœnitentiam! Vivens mortua sunt apud nos night of the living dead.
Ich (Donnerstag, 20 November 2014 17:00)